
Nov 18, 2007

Everyone Can Be A Billionaire

Every one of us wants to come up economically, and achieve success in the business of our life. But strangely, many of us do not take those fundamental steps that could project us to the peak of glory.

Many of us stay content with a nine to five grind and would not risk our savings, starting a new business enterprise. What if I lose? Such attitude hampers us from succeeding further on. Some do jump on the business bandwagon and start something new, but when hardship strikes, they retreat, yearning for the previous peaceful life. All these classes’ people seem to have resolved to live a life which many successful people would find rather unexciting.

On the other hand, there are people whom the society salutes. These people not only brought riches to their homes, but also in the process helped mankind in a variety of ways. When you read the success stories of great persons, there is one thing common in all of them. They are fighters against great probability, hardship and they possessed a set of qualities like insistence, courage, creativity and an eerie ability to get along with different kind of people. It was not a bed of roses for them too. They were greeted with failures on the way, discouraged at times, some were on the edge of giving up, but the thing that kept them going on, was the killer nature to succeed. They were all highly motivated people, with a commitment to fineness and an obsessive drive to succeed.

We must read their stories, and understand how they emerged stronger after each failure. Hence I write this blog that showcases the courageous life of some world’s wealthiest person and how they reached where they are now. I strongly believe that this blog would provide as a great basis of motivation and thus ignite a fire in you to attain on similar patterns. Not that I want you to be copycats, but to absorb the qualities of ingenuity that these men and woman had. The trials and problems that these world’s richest have gone through fully prove that they were molded by their own experiences and the only asset they all had was the all persistent will to be successful.

A journey of thousand miles starts with a single step. Without pain there is no gain. Success does not come before work, except in dictionaries! Destiny is what you make of it, and you become what you think you are. So get going, and success is yours.